Sunday, August 31, 2014

Play Sisters!

All about the women?

That's really next week's prompt!  Nothing like getting a head-start!

Today I am featuring some play with an engaging and lovely masochist friend, Dione12.  We always have such fun when we get together . . .

Join us, along with all the other Sinful Sunday Participants and please remember to visit Master's blog too - Joy Of Kink

Sinful Sunday
One last thing before you go I can’t urge you enough -please comment on people’s Sinful Sunday posts.  No matter whether you are a fellow blogger, or a reader of their work, I can assure you that all the people who leave their links for SinfulSunday want to hear what you have to say, myself included!


  1. Wonderful look in your eyes and I can only imagine the look you are getting in return.

  2. What wonderful intimacy can be seen between the two of you here! Lovely image.

    ~Mia~ xx

  3. This is beautiful, you have truly captured a moment.

    I hope you have realised that the prompt is NEXT Sunday (7th Sept) the prompt is always the 1st Sunday of the month.


  4. The connection you two have has been captured beautifully.

  5. I absolutely love the look in your eyes. You captured a really intimate and lovely moment.

  6. I love the tender moment you've captured. :)
